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Standards for ethics and copyright, responsibility of authors and obligations

According to the Civil Code of Part 4, a scientific publication (article) is an author's work describing the results of an original or analytical scientific research

A person, hereinafter an author or a collective (group of authors), the result of the creative activity of which (of which) is a scientific publication on the basis of regulatory acts of copyright.

Copyright for publications is reserved by the authors for an unlimited period. Only the author (team of authors) has exclusive rights to the work. Authors transfer the rights to publish an article to a journal publisher only on the basis of a non-exclusive license to the publisher indefinitely.

The author (group of authors) is responsible for:

• reliability, correctness and completeness of the information presented in a scientific article;

• completeness of the composition of the authors team;

• up-to-date, correct registration of information about the authors according to the requirements of the publisher;

• accuracy of quoted citations, references to them in the list of references;

• correct (exact) indication of sources in the list of references in accordance with the requirements of the publisher;

• coordination of all changes made to the text of the manuscript based on the results of its review and editing.

Authors need to inform the publisher of the data, allowing to question the reliability of the results of the presented research (conflict of interest), including: cooperation with third-party organizations; sources of funding for the study (including grants, speeches at scientific events, lecturing, training seminars, consultations); as well as other relationships or actions that may be perceived as affecting or potentially affecting the results of the presented work, which is directly indicated in the scientific publication.

Authors are required to notify the editors of all publications considered (not published) for publication in other publications on similar topics. Submitting the article to the journal, the author confirms that it has not previously been published in the open press and is not under consideration in another publication.

The author must provide written consent for the processing and use of personal data.

Scientific articles are accepted for publication in the journal, which describe the results of original, previously unpublished scientific studies. The presented results and conclusions must be reliable, fully stated, correct and objective.

The articles allow the use of citations and references to other scientific materials with the obligatory presence of an appropriate bibliographic reference to the source. In case of using borrowed illustrations, graphs and tables, a reference to the source is also required. When submitting information obtained from confidential sources, authors are required to obtain appropriate consent.

It is unacceptable to borrow another person’s work or part thereof without reference to the author.

An article is published only with the full and unconditional consent of each author with the editorial policy.

Using the materials of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, recommendations of COPE, materials of ANRI.